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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Common Core
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Numbers to Ten Thousand
Essential Question How can you represent numbers to ten thousand in different ways?
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Question 1
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The Thousand Bolts factory uses boxes of 1,000 bolts to fill crates of 10,000 bolts. How many boxes of 1,000 bolts are in each crate of 10,000?
Count by thousands to find the total number of boxes of 1,000 bolts that will go into each crate. Then count the boxes.
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Question 2
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Suppose the factory has no crates and must use cases of 100 to fill an order for 3,200 bolts. How many cases will it pack?
Question 3
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What if the the factory had boxes of 1,000 and bags of 10 but no cases of 10?
Explain how it could pack the order for 3,200 bolts