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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Common Core
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Multiply with 11 and 12
Essential Question What strategies can you use to multiply with 11 and 12?
Question 1
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It takes Bobby 11 minutes to walk to school each morning. How many minutes will Bobby spend walking to school in 5 days?
Question 2
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One Way Break apart an array.
Make 5 rows of 11. Use the 10s facts and the 1s facts to multiply with 11.
5 x (10 + 1)
Another Way Find a pattern.
Question 3
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Look at the list. Notice the product has the same factor in the tens and ones places. To find 5 3 11, write the first factor in the tens and ones places.
Question 4
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Try This! What if it took Bobby 12 minutes to walk to school? How many minutes will he spend walking to school in 5 days?
Break apart the factor 12. Double a 6s fact.
5 x (10 + 2) Find the 6s product. 5 x 6 = 30
5 x 10 = 50 5 x 2 = 10 Double that product. 30 x 2 = 60
5 x 12 = 50 + 10 = 60
So, 5 x 12 = 60 . Bobby will spend 60 minutes walking to school.