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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Common Core
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Divide with 11 and 12
Essential Question What strategies can you use to divide with 11 and 12?
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Question 1
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Tara collects 60 postcards. She arranges them in 12 equal stacks. How many postcards are in each stack?
Divide. 60 ÷ 12 = \(\blacksquare\)
One Way
Use a multiplication table.
Question 2
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Since division is the inverse of multiplication, you can use a multiplication table to find a quotient. Think of a related multiplication fact.
12 x \(\blacksquare\) = 60
- Find the row for the factor 12.
- Look across to find the product, 60.
- Look up to find the unknown factor.
- The unknown factor is 5.
Since 12 x 5 = 60, then
Another Way
Use repeated subtraction. |
Question 3
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- Start with 60.
- Subtract 12 until you reach 0.
- Count the number of times you subtract
You subtracted 12 five times.