Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Common Core

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  • Question 1 (request help)

    Which unit would you use to measure the weight of a grape? Write ounce or pound.


Choose the unit you would use to measure the weight.
Write ounce or pound.

On Your Own

Choose the unit you would use to measure the weight.
Write ounce or pound.

Problem Solving

  • Question 8 (request help)

    Duane bought some oregano to use in a batch of past a s auce. Which is a more likely weight for the oregano, 1 ounce or 1 pound?

    • 1 ounce
    • 1 pound
  • Question 9 (request help)

    Erin bought a bag of flour to use for baking dinner rolls. Did she buy 5 ounces of flour or 5 pounds of flour?

    • 5 ounces
    • 5 pounds

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