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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 4; Lesson 3: Multiplication with Decimals and Whole Numbers
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Lesson Check
Question 1
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Pete wants to make turkey sandwiches for two friends and himself. He wants each sandwich to contain 3.5 ounces of turkey. How many ounces of turkey does he need?
Question 2
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Gasoline costs $2.84 per gallon. Mary’s father puts 9 gallons of gasoline in the tank of his car. How much will the gasoline cost?
Spiral Review
Question 3
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A group of 5 boys and 8 girls goes to the fair. Admission costs $9 per person. Which expression does NOT show the total amount the group will pay?
Question 4
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Sue and 4 friends buy a box of 362 baseball cards at a yard sale. If they share the cards equally, how many cards will each person receive?
Question 5
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Sarah rides her bicycle 2.7 miles to school. She takes a different route home, which is 2.5 miles. How many miles does Sarah ride to and from school each day?
Question 6
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Tim has a box of 15 markers. He gives 3 markers each to 4 friends. Which expression shows the number of markers Tim has left?