Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 6 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 5: Integers and the Coordinate Plane;Lesson 6: The Coordinate Plane

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Identify Structure Fill in the graphic organizer below. Consider the point (−3, 2)

H.O.T. Problems Higher Order Thinking

Persevere with Problems Without graphing, identify the quadrant(s) for which each of the following statements is true for any point (x, y). Justify your response.

  • Question 15 (request help)

    The x- and y-coordinates have the same sign.

  • Quadrants:     and
  • Question 16 (request help)

    The x- and y-coordinates have opposite signs.

  • Quadrants:    
  • Question 17 (request help)

    Reason Inductively Does the order of the numbers in an ordered pair matter when naming a point? Can that point be represented by more than one ordered pair? 

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  • Question 18 (request help)

    Model with Mathematics A parallelogram is graphed on a coordinate plane so that two points are in the first quadrant and two points are in the third quadrant. What are possible coordinates of the vertices of the parallelogram.

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