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Grade 6 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 7:Equations;Lesson 1: Equations
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H.O.T Problems H igher O rder T hinking
Question 14
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Reason Inductively What 3 consecutive even numbers added together equal 42 ? Use the equation
n + (n + 2) + (n+ 4) = 42 to help you solve.
Question 15
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Reason Abstractly Give an example of an equation that has a solution of 5.
Question 16
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Reason Inductively Tell whether the statement below is always, sometimes, or never true .
Equations like a + 4 =8 and 4 — m = 2 have exactly one solution.
Persevere with Problems Tell whether each statement is true or false.
Then explain your reasoning.
Question 17
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In m + 8, the variable m can have any value.
Question 18
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In m+ 8 = 12, the variable m can have any value and be a solution.
Question 19
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Reason Abstractly Distinguish between expressions and equations algebraically, by providing an example of an algebraic expression and an example of an algebraic equation.
Question 20
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Model with Mathematics Write a real-world problem in which you would solve the equation a + 12 = 30.