Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 6 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 9:Area;Lesson 3: Area of Trapezoids

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Draw and label each figure. Then find the area.

  • Question 9 (request help)

    a trapezoid with no right angles and an area less than 12 square centimeters greater.

  • Question 10 (request help)

    a trapezoid with a right angle and an area greater than 40 square inches.

 H.O.T Problems Higher Order Thinking

  • Question 11 (request help)

    Persevere with Problems Apply what you know about rounding to explain how to estimate the height h of the trapezoid shown if the area is 235.5 m2.

  • \(h \approx \)    m
  • Question 12 (request help)

    Identify Repeated Reasoning Find two possible lengths of the bases of a trapezoid with a height of 1 foot and an area of 9 square feet.
    Explain how you found your answer.

  • Question 13 (request help)

    Reason Abstractly How can you use the formula for area of a parallelogram to determine the area of a trapezoid if you forgot the formula for area of a trapezoid?

  • Question 14 (request help)

    Reason Inductively The area of a trapezoid is 36 square inches. The height is 4 inches and one base is twice the length of the other base. What are the lengths of the bases?

  • b1 =     in.
           b2 =     in.

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