Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 5; Lesson 8:Problem Solving • Decimal Operations

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  • Question 1 (request help)

    Lily spent $30.00 on a T-shirt, a sandwich, and 2 books. The T-shirt cost $8.95, and the sandwich cost $7.25. The books each cost the same amount.

    How much did each book cost?

  • Question 2 (request help)

    Meryl spends a total of $68.82 for 2 pairs of sneakers with the same cost. The sales tax is $5.32. Meryl also uses a coupon for $3.00 off her purchase. How much does each pair of sneakers cost?

  • Question 3 (request help)

    A 6-pack of undershirts costs $13.98. This is $3.96 less than the cost of buying 6 individual shirts. If each undershirt costs the same amount, how much does each undershirt cost when purchased individually?

  • Question 4 (request help)

    Mason spent $15.85 for 3 notebooks and 2 boxes of markers. The boxes of markers cost $3.95 each, and the sales tax was $1.23. Mason also used a coupon for $0.75 off his purchase. If each notebook had the same cost, how much did each notebook cost?


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