Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys

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  • Question 10 (request help)

    The table shows the cost to rent a paddle boat from two businesses.

    a. What does (1, 20) represent?

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Copy and Solve For Exercises 10–13, draw a graph on a separate sheet of grid paper to find each slope. Then record each slope and interpret its meaning.

  • Question 11 (request help)

    Joshua swims 25 meters in 1 minute. Draw a graph of meters swam versus time. Find the value of the slope and interpret it in words.

  • Question 12 (request help)

    The table shows the amount Maggie earns for various numbers of hours she babysits. Graph the data. Then find the slope of the line. Explain what the slope represents.

  • Question 13 (request help)

    Zack completes 20 homework problems in 1 hour. Draw a graph of homework problems versus time. Find the value of the slope and interpret it in words.

  • Question 14 (request help)

    The Jackson family rents 6 movies each month. Draw a graph of movies rented versus time. Find the value of the slope and interpret it in words.

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