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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 2: Percents; Lesson 4: The Percent Equation
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Question 29
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Taryn's grandmother took her family out to dinner.The receipt shows the total amount spent Taryn's dinner was 20% of the total bill after tax and tip. How much was Taryn's dinner?
Model each situation below with a percent equation. Select the correct equation for each situation.Then solve each problem.
Question 30
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a. Of the 300 students in a homeroom, 120 play a school sport. What percent of students play a school sport?
Question 30
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b. A survey of 120 middle schools showed that 30% have a foreign language program. How many schools have a foreign language program?
Question 30
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c. Katrina saved $300 last summer. Of that amount 12% came from her allowance. How much came from her allowance?
Spiral Review
Fill in each with <, >, or = to make a true statement
Use the graph to solve.
Question 34
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What number represents 100% of the fall student athletes? Explain.