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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 2: Percents; Lesson 6: Sales tax, Tips and Markups
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Find the total cost to the nearest cent. |
Question 5
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Financial Literacy A restaurant bill comes to $28.35. Find the total cost if the tax is 6.25% and a 20% tip is left on the amount before tax.
Question 6
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Toru takes his dog to be groomed. The fee to groom the dog is $75 plus 6.75% tax. Is $80 enough to pay for the service? Explain.
Question 7
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Find the selling price of a $270 bicycle with a 24% markup.
Question 8
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Find the selling price of a $450 painting with a 45% markup.
Question 9
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What is the sales tax on the chair shown if the tax rate is 5.75%?