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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 3: Integers; Lesson 2: Add Integers
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Question 31
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The number line at the right models an addition sentence.
Determine if the situations below could be modeled by the addition sentence. Select yes or no.a. Alison spent 8 dollars on a movie ticket. Then she spent 3 dollars on a drink.
Question 31
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b. A dolphin swims at a depth of 11 feet below sea level.The dolphin swims up 3 feet and then swims up another 8 feet.
Question 31
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c. A football team lost 8 yards on their first play. On the second play, the team lost 3 yards.
Question 32
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At 8 A.M., the temperature was 3°F below zero. By 1 P.M., the temperature rose 14°F and by 10 P.M., dropped 12°F. What was the temperature at 10 P.M?
Question 33
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Short Response Write an addition sentence to represent the number line below.
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Spiral Review
Write an integer for each situation.