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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 3: Integers; Lesson 2: Subtract Integers
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Evaluate each expression if h = -12, j = 4, and k = 15.
H.O.T. Problems Higher Order Thinking
Question 17
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Identify Structure Write a subtraction sentence using integers. Then, write the equivalent addition sentence and explain how to find the sum.
Question 18
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Identify Structure Use the properties of operations.a. The Commutative Property is true for addition. For example, 7 + 2 = 2 + 7. Does the Commutative Property apply to subtraction. Is 2 - 7 equal to 7 - 2? Explain.
Question 18
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b. Using the Associative Property, 9 + (6 + 3) = (9 + 6) + 3. Is 9 - (6 - 3) equal to (9 - 6) - 3? Explain.
Question 19
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Find the Error Hiroshi is finding -15 - (-18). Find his mistake and correct it.
Question 20
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Reason Abstractly True or False? When n is a negative integer, n - n = 0.
Question 21
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Model with Mathematics Write a real-world problem in which two negative integers are subtracted.