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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 3: Integers; Lesson 2: Divide Integers
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Evaluate each expression if d = -9, f = 36, and g = -6.
Question 18
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The temperature on Mars ranges widely from -207°F to 80°F. Find the average of the temperature extremes on Mars.
H.O.T. Problems H igher O rder Thinking
Question 19
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Construct an Argument You know that multiplication is commutative because 9 × 3 = 3 × 9. Is division commutative? Explain.
Identify Structure Use the graphs shown below to find the slope of each line.
Question 22
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Identify Structure Find values for x, y, and z so that all of the following statements are true.
• y > x, z < y, and x < 0
• z ÷ 2 and z ÷ 3 are integers
• x ÷ z = -z
• x ÷ y = z
Question 23
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Reason Inductively Addition, subtraction, and multiplication are said to be closed for integers. That is, when you add, subtract, or multiply integers, the result is also an integer. Is division closed for integers? Explain.