Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 4 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Common Core - Investigate • Rename Numbers

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  • Question 11 (request help)

    A toy store is ordering 3,000 remote control cars. The store can order the cars in sets of 10. How many sets of 10 does the store need to order?

  •    \(\text{ sets}\)
  • Question 11 (request help)

    a. What information do you need to use?

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  • Question 11 (request help)

    c. How can renaming numbers help you solve this problem?

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  • Question 11 (request help)

    d. Describe a strategy you can use to solve the problem.

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  • Question 11 (request help)

    e. How many sets of 10 remote control cars does the store need to buy?

  •    \(\text{ sets}\)
  • Question 12 (request help)

    Ivan sold 53 boxes of oranges on Friday and 27 boxes on Saturday during a citrus sale. There were 10 oranges in each box. How many oranges did he sell in all?

  •    \(\text{ oranges}\)
  • Question 12 (request help)

    Use Reasoning A store sold a total of 15,000 boxes of buttons last month, and 12,000 boxes this month. If the store sold 270,000 buttons, how many buttons were in each box?

  •    \(\text{ butons}\)

For numbers 14a–14d, select True or False for each statement.

  • Question 14 (request help)

    a. 9 hundreds 3 tens can be renamed as 39 tens.

    • True
    • False
  • Question 14 (request help)

    b. 370,000 can be renamed as 37 ten thousands.

    • True
    • False
  • Question 14 (request help)

    d. 42,000 can be renamed as 42 thousands.

    • True
    • False

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