Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 6 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 5: Integers and the Coordinate Plane; Mid-Chapter Review

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Complete the puzzle by unscrambling the letters below to reveal words from the vocabulary list at the beginning of the chapter.

Complete each sentence using the vocabulary list at the beginning of the chapter.

  • Question 1 (request help)

    A _______________ is a number that can be written as a fraction.

  • Type below:
  • Question 2 (request help)

    A number that is less than zero is a __________________ .

  • Type below:
  • Question 3 (request help)

    A number that is greater than zero is a _______________ .

  • Type below:
  • Question 4 (request help)

    The ________________ of a number is the distance between the number and zero on a number line.

  • Type below:
  • Question 5 (request help)

    The division of a _____________ ends.

  • Type below:
  • Question 6 (request help)

    A decimal whose digits repeat in groups of one or more is a __________________ .

  • Type below:

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