Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 4 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys

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  • Question 1 (request help)

    Break apart the factor 112 to find 7 × 112 by using mental math and addition.

  • \(7\times112=7\times(\)   \(+12)\)

Find the product. Tell which strategy you used.

Find the product. Tell which strategy you used.

Practice: Copy and Solve Use a strategy to find the product.

Identify Relationships Algebra Use mental math to find the unknown number.

  • Question 14 (request help)

    The science museum sells dinosaur models to schools and libraries for $107 each. The town library buys 3 models. The town elementary school buys 5 models.  What is the total cost of the models the town buys?

  • $   
  • Question 15 (request help)

    Kyle and Karen each bought 6 books of ride tickets at the fair. Each book has 15 tickets. How many tickets did they buy altogether?

  •     tickets

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