Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 6: Equations and Inequalities; Lesson 4: Solve Two-Step Equations

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  • Question 22 (request help)

    It costs $7.50 to enter a petting zoo. Each cup of food to feed the animals is $2.50. If you have $12.50, how many cups can you buy? Use a bar diagram to solve arithmetically. Then use an equation to solve algebraically.

  • Question 23 (request help)

    Multiple Representations The perimeter of a rectangle is 48 centimeters. Its length is 16 centimeters. What is the width w?
    a. Draw a bar diagram that represents this situation.

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  • Question 23 (request help)

    b. Write and solve an equation that represents this situation.

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  • Question 23 (request help)

    c. How does solving the equation arithmetically compare to solving an equation algebraically?

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