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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 7: Geometric Figures; Lesson 4: Scale Drawings

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  • Question 18 (request help)

    A landscape designer created the scale drawing below showing the bench that will be in the garden area.

    Which of these was the scale used for the drawing if the actual width of the bench is 6 feet?

    • A . \(\frac{1}{4} \text{inch } = 1 \text{ foot}\)
    • B. \(3 \text{ inches} = 1\text{ foot}\)
    • C. \(\frac{2}{3}\text{ inch} = 1 \text{foot}\)
    • D.\(1\text{ inch} = 3 \text{feet}\)
  • Question 19 (request help)

    A scale drawing of a doctor’s office is shown.

    What are the actual dimensions of the doctor’s office?

    • F. 24 feet × 48 feet
    • G. 30 feet × 52 feet
    • H. 40 feet × 60 feet
    • I . 37.5 feet × 65 feet
  • Question 20 (request help)

    Short Response Ernesto drew a map of his school. He used a scale of 1 inch : 50 feet. What distance in inches on Ernesto’s map should represent the 625 feet between the cafeteria and the science lab?

  • \(x=\)    \(\text{in}\)

Spiral Review

  • Question 21 (request help)

    A carpenter sawed a piece of wood into 3 pieces. The ratio of wood pieces is 1 : 3 : 6. The longest piece is 2.5 feet longer than the shortest piece. Use the draw a diagram strategy to find the length of the original piece.

  •    \(\text{ft}\)

Solve each proportion.

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