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Grade 7 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 2: Percents; Chapter Review
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Complete the crossword puzzle using the vocabulary list at the beginning of the chapter.
Question 1
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Down |
Across |
1. type of percent when the final amount is greater than the original amount |
6. type of percent that compares the inaccuracy of an estimate to the actual amount |
2. statement that two ratios are equal |
10. amount of money deposited or borrowed |
3. amount that the regular price is reduced |
11. amount paid or earned for the use of money |
5. price that a customer pays for an item |
12. type of percent that compares the final and original amounts |
6. mathematical sentence stating that two expressions are equal |
7. another term for the term in 3 down |
8. gratuity |
9. additional amount of money charged to items that people buy |
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