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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 1: Place Value, Multiplication, and Expressions; Place Value of Whole Numbers
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Problem Solving
Use the table for 18–19.
Question 18
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Which planet is about 10 times as far as Earth is from the Sun?
Question 19
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Which planet is about \(\frac{1}{10}\) of the distance Uranus is from the Sun?
Question 20
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What’s the Error? Matt wrote the number four million, three hundred five thousand, seven hundred sixty-two as 4,350,762. Describe and correct his error.
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Question 21
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Explain how you know that the values of the digit 5 in the numbers 150,000 and 100,500 are not the same.
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Question 22
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Test Prep In the number 869,653,214, which describes how the digit 6 in the ten-millions place compares to the digit 6 in the hundred-thousands place?