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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 1: Place Value, Multiplication, and Expressions; Multiply by 1-digit numbers
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Complete to find the product.
Estimate. Then find the product. |
Question 2
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Estimate: ___
\(\begin{align} 608\\ \underline {\times \ \ \ \ \ 8}\\ \end{align}\)
Question 3
(request help)
Estimate: __
\(\begin{align} 556\\ \underline {\times \ \ \ \ \ 4}\\ \end{align}\)
Question 4
(request help)
\(\begin{align} 1,925\\ \underline {\times \ \ \ \ \ 7}\\ \end{align}\)
On Your Own
Estimate. Then find the product.
Question 5
(request help)
\(\begin{align} 794\\ \underline {\times \ \ \ \ \ 3}\\ \end{align}\)
Question 6
(request help)
\(\begin{align} 822\\ \underline {\times \ \ \ \ \ 6}\\ \end{align}\)
Question 7
(request help)
\(\begin{align} 3,102\\ \underline {\times \ \ \ \ \ 5}\\ \end{align}\)
Algebra Solve for the unknown number. |
Question 8
(request help)
\(\begin{align} 396\\ \underline {\times \ \ \ \ \ 6}\\ 2,3 \ \ \ \ 6 \end{align}\)
Question 9
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\(\begin{align} 5,12\ \ \ \ \\ \underline {\times \ \ \ \ \ 8}\\ \ \ \ \ 16 \end{align}\)
Type below:
Question 10
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\(\begin{align} 8,5\ \ \ \ 6 \\ \underline {\times \ \ \ \ \ 7}\\ 60,03 \ \ \end{align}\)
Type below:
Practice: Copy and Solve Estimate. Then find the product. |