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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 1: Place Value, Multiplication, and Expressions; Numerical Expressions
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Problem Solving
Use the rule and the table for 14.
Question 14
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Write a numerical expression to represent the total number of lemon tetras that could be in a 20-gallon aquarium.
Question 15
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Write a word problem for an expression that is three times as great as (15 + 7). Then write the expression.
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Question 16
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What’s the Question? Lu has 3 swordtails in her aquarium. She buys 2 more swordtails.
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Question 17
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Tammy gives 45 stamps to her 9 friends. She shares them equally among her friends. Write an expression to match the words. How many stamps does each friend get?
Question 18
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Test Prep Josh has 3 fish in each of 5 buckets. Then he releases 4 fish. Which expression matches the words?