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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 1: Place Value, Multiplication, and Expressions; Evaluate Numerical Expressions
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Question 15
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A movie theater has 4 groups of seats. The largest group of seats, in the middle, has 20 rows, with 20 seats in each row. There are 2 smaller groups of seats on the sides, each with 20 rows and 6 seats in each row. A group of seats in the back has 5 rows, with 30 seats in each row. How many seats are in the movie theater?
a. What do you need to know?
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Question 15
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b. What operation can you use to find the number of seats in the back group of seats? Write the expression.
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c. What operation can you use to find the number of seats in both groups of side seats? Write the expression.
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d. What operation can you use to find the number of seats in the middle group? Write the expression.
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e. Write an expression to represent the total number of seats in the theater.
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f. How many seats are in the theater? Show the steps you use to solve the problem.
Question 16
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Test Prep In the wild, an adult giant panda eats about 30 pounds of food each day. Which expression shows how many pounds of food 6 pandas eat in 3 days?
Question 17
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Test Prep Which expression has a value of 6?