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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 1: Place Value, Multiplication, and Expressions; Grouping Symbols
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Question 12
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Dan has a flower shop. Each day he displays 24 roses. He gives away 10 and sells the rest. Each day he displays 36 carnations. He gives away 12 and sells the rest. What expression can you use to find out how many roses and carnations Dan sells in a week?
a. What information are you given?
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Question 12
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b. What are you being asked to do?
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c. What expression shows how many roses Dan sells in one day?
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d. What expression shows how many carnations Dan sells in one day?
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e. Write an expression to represent the total number of roses and carnations Dan sells in one day.
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f. Write the expression that shows how many roses and carnations Dan sells in a week.
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Question 13
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Evaluate the expression to find out how many roses and carnations Dan sells in a week.
Question 14
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Test Prep Which expression has a value of 4?