Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 2: Divide Whole Numbers; Place the First Digit

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  • Question 24 (request help)

    Rosa has a garden divided into sections. She has 125 daisy plants. If she plants an equal number of the daisy plants in each section of daisies, will she have any left over? If so, how many daisy plants will be left over?

    a. What information will you use to solve the problem?

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  • Question 24 (request help)

    b. How will you use division to find the number of daisy plants left over?

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  • Question 24 (request help)

    c. Show the steps you use to solve the problem. Estimate: 120 ÷ 3 = _____

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  • Question 24 (request help)

    d. Complete the sentences:

    Rosa has _____ daisy plants.

    She puts an equal number in each of _____ sections.

    Each section has _____ plants.

    Rosa has _____ daisy plants left over.

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  • Question 25 (request help)

    One case can hold 3 boxes. Each box can hold 3 binders. How many cases are needed to hold 126 binders?

  •    cases
  • Question 26 (request help)

    Test Prep In which place is the first digit in the quotient 1,497 ÷ 5?

    • thousands
    • hundreds
    • tens
    • ones

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