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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 1 Review/Test
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Question 7
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It is 3,452 miles round trip to Craig’s aunt’s house. If he travels to her house 3 times this year, how many miles did he travel in all?
Question 8
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Lindsey earns $33 per day at her part-time job. Complete the table to show the total amount Lindsey earns.
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Question 9
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Jackie followed these steps to evaluate the expression \(15 - (37 + 8) \div 3\).
\(\begin{align} 37+ 8 &= 45\\ 45 -15 &= 30\\ 30 \div 3& = 10\\ \end{align}\)
Mark looks at Jackie’s work and says she made a mistake. He says she should have divided by 3 before she subtracted.Part A Which student is correct? Explain how you know.