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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 2 Mid-Chapter Checkpoint
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Question 11
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Emma is planning a party for 128 guests. If 8 guests can be seated at each table, how many tables will be needed for seating at the party?
Question 12
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Tickets for the basketball game cost $14 each. If the sale of the tickets brought in $2,212, how many tickets were sold?
Question 13
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Margo used 864 beads to make necklaces for the art club. She made 24 necklaces with the beads. If each necklace has the same number of beads, how many beads did Margo use for each necklace?
Question 14
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Angie needs to buy 156 candles for a party. Each package has 8 candles. How many packages should Angie buy?
Question 15
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Max delivers 8,520 pieces of mail in one year. About how many pieces of mail does he deliver in 2 months? Explain your steps.