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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 9 Review/Test
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Each week, Maria saves some of her allowance. The line graph shows the amount of Maria’s savings for the first 5 weeks of the year.
For 9a–9b, select True or False for each statement.
Question 9
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a. Maria’s savings increased from $30 to $55 over the 5-week period.
Question 9
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b. The greatest increase in Maria’s savings occurred from Week 1 to Week 2.
Question 10
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The line plot shows the weights of bags of beans. What is the average weight of the bags? Show your work.
Average weight:
Question 11
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The table shows how much a puppy weighs from 1 month old to 5 months old.
What ordered pairs would you plot to show the puppy’s weight on a coordinate grid? How do you think the ordered pairs would be different if the puppy’s weight was measured every week instead of every month? Explain your reasoning.
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