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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 6 Review/Test
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Question 15
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Mr. Clements painted his barn for \(3\frac{3}{5}\) hours in the morning. He painted the barn for \(5\frac{3}{4}\) hours in the afternoon. For 15a–15c, select True or False for each statement.
a. A common denominator of the mixed numbers is 20.
Question 15
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b. The amount of time spent painting in the morning can be rewritten as \(3\frac{15}{20}\) hours.
Question 15
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c. Mr. Clements spent \(2\frac{3}{20}\) hours longer painting in the afternoon than the morning.
Question 16
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Tom exercised \(\frac{4}{5}\) hour on Monday and \(\frac{5}{6}\) hour on Tuesday.
Part A
Complete the calculations below to write equivalent fractions with a common denominator.
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Question 16
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Part B
How much time did Tom spend exercising on Monday and Tuesday combined? Explain how you found your answer.
Question 16
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Part C
How much longer did Tom spend exercising on Tuesday than he spent on Monday? Explain how you found your answer.