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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 4 Mid-Chapter Checkpoint
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Question 9
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Sarah is cutting ribbons for a pep rally. The length of each ribbon needs to be 3.68 inches. If she needs 1,000 ribbons, what is the length of ribbon Sarah needs?
Question 10
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Adam is carrying books to the classroom for his teacher. Each books weighs 3.85 pounds. If he carries 4 books, how many pounds is Adam carrying?
Question 11
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A car travels 54.9 miles in an hour. If the car continues at the same speed for 12 hours, how many miles will it travel?
Question 12
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Charlie saves $21.45 each month for 6 months. In the seventh month, he only saves $10.60. How much money will Charlie have saved after 7 months?