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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 9: Chapter Review/Test
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Constructed Response
Question 13
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Mr. Stevens drives 110 miles in 2 hours, 165 miles in 3 hours, and 220 miles in 4 hours. How many miles will he drive in 5 hours?
Explain how the number of hours he drives is related to the number of miles he drives.
Performance Task
Question 14
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Tim opens the freezer door and measures the temperature of the air inside. He continues to measure the temperature every 2 minutes, as the door stays open, and records the data in the table.
A) . On the grid below, make a line graph showing the data in the table.
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Question 14
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B) .Use the graph to estimate the temperature at 7 minutes.
Question 14
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C) . Write a question that can be answered by making a prediction. Then answer your question and explain how you made your prediction.
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