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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
Chapter 8: Chapter Review/Test
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Constructed Response
Question 20
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Dora buys one package each of the 1-pound, 2-pound, and 4-pound packages of ground beef to make hamburgers. How many \(\frac{1}{4}\)-pound hamburgers can she make? Show your work using words, pictures, or numbers.
Explain how you found your answer.
Performance Task
Question 21
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Suppose your teacher gives you the division problem \(6\div\frac{1}{5}\).
A) . In the space below, draw a diagram to represent \(6\div\frac{1}{5}\).
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Question 21
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B) . Write a story problem to represent \(6\div\frac{1}{5}\).
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Question 21
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C) . Use a related multiplication expression to solve your story problem. Show your work.
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Question 21
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D) . Write a division problem that shows a unit fraction divided by a whole number. Write a story problem to represent your division problem. Then solve.
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