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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
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Problem Solving • Applications
Use the table for 15–16.
Question 15
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What is the value of the digit 7 in New Mexico’s average annual rainfall?
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Question 16
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Which of the states has an average annual rainfall with the least number in the thousandths place? What is another way to write the total annual rainfall in this state?
Question 17
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Verify the Reasoning of Others Damian wrote the number four and twenty-three thousandths as 4.23. Describe and correct his error.
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Question 18
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Dan used a meter stick to measure some seedlings in his garden. One day, a corn stalk was 0.85 m tall. A tomato plant was 0.850 m. A carrot top was 0.085 m. Which plant was shortest?
Question 19
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Math Explain how you know that the digit 6 does not have the same value in the numbers 3.675 and 3.756.
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Question 20
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What is the value of the underlined digit? Mark all that apply.
0.58 9