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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
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Use the table to solve 24–26.
Question 24
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How much farther did the gold medal winner jump than the silver medal winner?
Question 25
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The fourth-place competitor’s jump measured 8.19 meters. If his jump had been 0.10 meter greater, what medal would he have received? Explain how you solved the problem.
Question 26
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In the 2004 Olympics, the gold medalist for the men’s long jump had a jump of 8.59 meters. How much farther did the 2004 gold medalist jump compared to the 2008 gold medalist?
Question 27
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Alexander and Holly are solving the following word problem.
At the supermarket Carla buys 2.25 pounds of hamburger. She also buys 3.85 pounds of chicken. How many pounds of hamburger and chicken did Carla buy?
Alexander set up his problem as 2.25 + 3.85. Holly set up her problem as 3.85 + 2.25. Who is correct? Explain your answer and solve the problem.