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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
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Question 18
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On an average day, a garden snail can travel about 0.05 mile. If a snail travels 0.2 times as far as the average distance in a day, how far can it travel?
a. What are you being asked to find?
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Question 18
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b. What information will you use to solve the problem?
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Question 18
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c. How will you use multiplication and place value to solve the problem?
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Question 18
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d. Show how you will solve the problem.
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Question 18
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e. Fill in the bubble for the correct answer choice above.
Question 19
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In a science experiment, Tania uses 0.8 ounce of water to create a reaction. She wants the next reaction to be 0.1 times the size of the previous reaction. How much water should she use?
Question 20
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Michael multiplies 0.2 by a number. He records the product as 0.008. What number did Michael use?