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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Chapter 10: Review/Test
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Question 13
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Amy has 30 grams of flour. She puts 4 grams of flour in each pot of chowder that she makes. She puts 5 grams of flour in each pot of potato soup that she makes. She makes 4 pots of chowder. Does Amy have enough flour left over to make 3 pots of potato soup?
Question 14
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Use an inch ruler to measure.
Part A
What is the length of the leaf to the nearest fourth inch?
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Question 14
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Part B
Explain what happens if you line up the left side of the object with the 1 on the ruler.
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Question 15
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Mrs. Park takes the 9:38 a.m. train to the city. The trip takes 3 hours and 20 minutes. What time does Mrs. Park arrive in the city?
Question 16
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Hector buys two bags of gravel for his driveway. He buys a total of 35 kilograms of gravel. Select the bags he buys.