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Grade 3 Go Math Practice - Answer Keys
Chapter 1: Review/Test
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Question 5
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Write each number sentence in the box below the better estimate of the sum.
\(393 + 225 =\blacksquare\) |
\(481 + 215 =\blacksquare\) |
\(352 + 328 =\blacksquare\) |
\(309 + 335 =\blacksquare\) |
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Question 6
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Diana sold 336 muffins at the bake sale. Bob sold 287 muffins. Bob estimates that he sold 50 fewer muffins than Diana. How did he estimate? Explain.
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Question 7
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The table shows how many books each class read.
For numbers 7a–7d, select True or False for each statement.
a. Ms. Martin’s class read about 100 more books than Mr. Lopez’s class.
Question 7
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b. The 3 classes read over 900 books altogether.
Question 7
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c. Mrs. Wang’s class read about 50 fewer books than Mr. Lopez’s class.
Question 7
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d. Ms. Martin’s and Mrs. Wang’s class read about 700 books.