Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 7 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys

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  • Question 8 (request help)

    Mica and Joan are on the same softball team. Mica got 8 hits out of 48 times at bat, while Joan got 12 hits out of 40 times at bat. Who do you think is more likely to get a hit her next time at bat? Explain.

  • Question 9 (request help)

    Make a Prediction

    In tennis, Gabby serves an ace, a ball that can’t be returned, 4 out of the 10 times she serves. What is the experimental probability that Gabby will serve an ace in the first match of the next game? Make a prediction about how many aces Gabby will have for the next 40 serves. Justify your reasoning.

  • Question 10 (request help)

    Represent Real-World Problems

    Patricia finds that the experimental probability that her dog will want to go outside between 4 P.M. and 5 P.M. is \(\frac{7}{12}\). About what percent of the time does her dog not want to go out between 4 P.M. and 5 P.M.?

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  Focus on Higher Order Thinking  

  • Question 11 (request help)

    Explain the Error

    Talia tossed a penny many times. She got 40 heads and 60 tails. She said the experimental probability of getting heads was \(\frac{40}{60}\). Explain and correct her error.

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  • Question 12 (request help)

    Communicate Mathematical Ideas

    A high school has 438 students, with about the same number of males as females. Describe a simulation to predict how many of the first 50 students who leave school at the end of the day are female.

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  • Question 13 (request help)

    Critical Thinking

    For a scavenger hunt, Chessa put one coin in each of 10 small boxes. Four coins are quarters, 4 are dimes, and 2 are nickels. How could you simulate choosing one box at random? Would you use the same simulation if you planned to put these coins in your pocket and choose one? Explain your reasoning.

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