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Grade 8 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
Chapter 9:Transformations and Congruence; Lesson 3: Properties of Rotation
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9.3 Independent Practice |
Question 7
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The figure shows triangle ABC and a rotation of the triangle about the origin.
a. How would you describe the rotation?
Question 7
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b. What are the coordinates of the image?
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Question 8
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The graph shows a figure and its image after a transformation.
a. How would you describe this as a rotation?
Question 8
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b. Can you describe this as a transformation other than a rotation? Explain.
Question 9
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What type of rotation will preserve the orientation of the H-shaped figure in the grid?
Question 10
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A point with coordinates (-2, -3) is rotated 90° clockwise about the origin. What are the coordinates of its image?
Complete the table with rotations of 180° or 90°. Include the direction of rotation for rotations of 90°.