Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys

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  Problem Solving + Applications  

Use the table for 19-22. Teachers at the Scott School of Music teach only one instrument in each class. No students take classes for more than one instrument.

  • Question 19 (request help)

    Francisco teaches group lessons to all of the violin and viola students at the Scott School of Music. All of his classes have the same number of students. What is the greatest number of students he can have in each class?

  •     students
  • Question 20 (request help)

    Amanda teaches all of the bass and viola students. All her classes have the same number of students. Each class has the greatest possible number of students. How many of these classes does she teach?

  •     bass classes
        viola classes
  • Question 21 (request help)

    Mia teaches jazz classes. She has 9 students in each class, and she teaches all the classes for two of the instruments. Which two instruments does she teach, and how many students are in her classes?

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  • Question 22 (request help)

    Explain how you could use the GCF and the Distributive Property to express the sum of the number of bass students and the number of violin students as a product.

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