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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
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Question 14
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For numbers 14a–14d, select True or False for each equation.
14a . 3.76 + 2.7 = 6.46 True False
14b . 4.14 + 1.8 = 4.32 True False
14c . 2.01 – 1.33 = 0.68 True False
14d . 51 – 49.2 = 1.8 True False
Comparing Eggs
Different types of birds lay eggs of different sizes. Small birds lay eggs that are smaller than those that are laid by larger birds. The table shows the average lengths and widths of five different birds’ eggs.
Use the table for 15–17.
Question 15
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What is the difference in average length between the longest egg and the shortest egg?
Question 16
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Which egg has a width that is eight thousandths of a meter shorter than its length?
Question 17
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How many robin eggs, laid end to end, would be about equal in length to two raven eggs? Justify your answer