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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
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Question 6
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For numbers 6a–6d, select True or False for each equation.
6a . 1.7 + 4.03 = 6 True False
6b . 2.58 + 3.5 = 6.08 True False
6c . 3.21 − 0.98 = 2.23 True False
6d . 14 − 1.3 = 0.01 True False
Question 7
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Four friends went shopping at a music store. The table shows the number of CDs each friend bought and the total cost. Complete the table to show the average cost of the CDs each friend bought.
What is the average cost of all the CDs that the four friends bought? Show your work.
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Question 8
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The table shows the earnings and the number of hours worked for five employees. Complete the table by finding the missing values.
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