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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
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Problem Solving
Use the table to solve 14–16.
Question 14
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If each muffin contains the same amount of cornmeal, how many kilograms of cornmeal are in each corn muffin?
Question 15
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If each muffin contains the same amount of sugar, how many kilograms of sugar, to the nearest thousandth, are in each corn muffin?
Question 16
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The bakery decides to make only 100 corn muffins on Tuesday. How many kilograms of sugar will be needed?
Question 17
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Explain how you know that the quotient \(47.3\div 10^1\) is equal to the product \(47.3 \times 0.1\).
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Question 18
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Test Prep Ella used 37.2 pounds of apples to make applesauce. She used one-tenth as many pounds of sugar as pounds of apples. How many pounds of sugar did Ella use?