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Grade 5 HMH Go Math - NEW
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Question 21
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The standard width of 8 lanes in swimming pools used for competitions is 21.92 meters. The standard width of 9 lanes is 21.96 meters. How much wider is each lane when there are 8 lanes than when there are 9 lanes?
a. What are you asked to find?
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b. What operations will you use to solve the problem?
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c. Show the steps you used to solve the problem.
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d. Complete the sentences.
Each lane is ______ meters wide when there are 8 lanes.
Each lane is ______ meters wide when there are 9 lanes.
Since ______ - ______ = ______ , the lanes are ______ meter(s) wider when there are 8 lanes than when there are 9 lanes.
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e. Fill in the bubble for the correct answer choice.
Question 22
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Robert pays $32.04 for 6 student tickets to the basketball game. What is the cost of each student ticket?
Question 23
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Jasmine uses 14.24 pounds of fruit for 16 servings of fruit salad. If each serving contains the same amount of fruit, how much fruit is in each serving?