Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys

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Lesson Check

  • Question 1 (request help)

    A graph shows the distance a car traveled over time. The x-axis represents time in hours, and the y-axis represents distance in miles. The graph contains the point (3, 165). What does this point represent?

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  • Question 2 (request help)

    Maura charges $11 per hour to babysit. She makes a graph comparing the amount she charges (the y-coordinate) to the time she babysits (the x-coordinate). Which ordered pair shown is NOT on the graph?

    (4, 44)     (11, 1)     (1, 11)     (11, 12)   

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Spiral Review

  • Question 3 (request help)

    List 0, –4, and 3 from least to greatest.

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  • Question 4 (request help)

    What two numbers can be used in place of the ? to make the statement true?

    \(|\text{?}| = \cfrac{8}{9}\)

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  • Question 5 (request help)

    Morgan plots the point (4, –7) on a coordinate plane. If she reflects the point across the y-axis, what are the coordinates of the reflected point?

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  • Question 6 (request help)

    Jonathan drove 220 miles in 4 hours. Assuming he drives at the same rate, how far will he travel in 7 hours?

  •     miles

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