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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
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What's the Error?
Question 13
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Melinda has a block of clay that weighs 14.4 ounces. She divides the clay into 6 equal pieces. To find the weight w in ounces of each piece, Melinda solved the equation 6w = 14.4.
Look at how Melinda solved the equation. Find her error.
\(\begin{align} 6\text{w} &= 14.4 \\ \frac{6\text{w}}{6} &= 6\times14.4 \\ \text{w} &= 86.4 \\ \end{align} \)
Correct the error. Solve the equation, and explain your steps.
Describe the error that Melinda made
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Question 14
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For numbers 14a−14d, choose Yes or No to indicate whether the equation has the solution x = 15.
14a . 15x = 30
14b . 4x = 60
14c . \(\cfrac{\text{x}}{5} = 3\)
14d . \(\cfrac{\text{x}}{3} = 5\)