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Grade 6 HMH Go Math - Answer Keys
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Mid-Chapter Checkpoint
Choose the best term from the box to complete the sentence.
Question 1
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A(n) _____ has a value that determines the value of another quantity.
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Question 2
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A variable whose value is determined by the value of another quantity is called a(n) _____.
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Concepts and Skills
Identify the independent and dependent variables. |
Question 3
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Marco spends a total of d dollars on postage to mail party invitations to each of g guests.
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Question 4
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Sophie has a doll collection with 36 dolls. She decides to sell s dolls to a museum and has r dolls remaining.
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Write an equation for the relationship shown in the table. Then find the unknown value in the table. |
Write an equation that describes the pattern shown in the table. |
Question 7
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The table shows how the number of pepperoni slices used depends on the number of pizzas made.
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Question 8
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Brayden is training for a marathon. The table shows how the number of miles he runs depends on which week of training he is in.
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