Homework Explained - Math Practice 101

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Grade 8 McGraw Hill Glencoe - Answer Keys
Chapter 1 - Real Numbers; Lesson 5: Negative Exponents

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  • Question 19 (request help)

    The mass of a molecule of penicillin is \(10^{-18}\) kilogram and the mass of a molecule of insulin is \(10^{-23}\) kilogram. How many times greater is the mass of a molecule of penicillin than the mass of a molecule of insulin?

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  • Question 20 (request help)

    Justify Conclusions A common flea that is \(2^{-4}\) inch long can jump about \(2^{3}\) inches high. About how many times its body size can a flea jump? Explain your reasoning.

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  H.O.T. Problems Higher Order Thinking  

  • Question 21 (request help)

    Identify Structure Without evaluating, order \(11^{-3}\), \(11^{2}\), and \(11^{0}\) from least to greatest. Explain your reasoning.

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  • Question 22 (request help)

    Identify Structure Write an expression with a negative exponent that has a value between 0 and \(\cfrac{1}{2}\).

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  • Question 23 (request help)

    Persevere with Problems Select several fractions between 0 and 1. Find the value of each fraction after it is raised to the -1 power. Explain the relationship between the -1 power and the original fraction.

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  • Question 24 (request help)

    Reason Abstractly For each power, write an equivalent multiplication expression with two factors. The first factor should have a positive exponent and the second factor should have a negative exponent.

    a. \(10^{4} =\)

    b. \(8^{2} =\)

    c. \(\text{x}^{7} =\)

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